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Project Details

The covid pandemic has made the strained personnel situation in the health system clearly visible. Despite the urgency, a rapid easing of the situation is currently not in sight. Professions in the health sector can learn in life science engineering degree programmes, among others. In addition, specialists are trained in medicine & nursing, medical technology, medical IT, cell & tissue engineering and in the overarching subject of biomedical engineering.  In order to make education in these areas resilient and future-oriented, international cooperation in collaborative work is becoming increasingly important for both students and teaching staff. The project ILSE (International Life Science Education) enables the development of experience networks for teachers as well as for students. These international networks can be of lasting benefit in many ways in the further course of professional life.  

The ILSE project strengthens international cooperation in the higher education sector with the aim of developing new curricula together with partner universities, offering interdisciplinary teaching content and increasing the mobility of employees and students. In order to provide students with a broader range of teaching content (e.g. knowledge of user involvement procedures, specific communication and management skills), the ILSE project aims to develop internationally coordinated joint teaching units at different academic levels. These teaching units will enable graduates to implement existing technical methods and solutions more quickly, successfully, in a future-oriented manner and with a stronger focus on practice. The knowledge required for this is identified and defined with selected partner universities. Based on these findings and the comparison of the curricula of the different partner universities, at least 12 courses will be designed, developed and made available to all partner universities. As part of the pilot, surveys will also be conducted with graduates and international experts to enable a quality-assured adaptation of the study programmes. Through a buddy programme, students with experience abroad and students interested in going abroad are connected to each other and thus the mobility of students is supported. Train-the-trainer workshops (Share-ILSE) convey specific knowledge and methodologies between the lecturers of the individual partners and thus simplify and deepen the networking of the individual courses. A multidisciplinary, multicultural intensive learning week (Connected-ILSE), which is held in parallel at several locations, demonstrates the different perspectives (e.g.: users, technology, process) of a common, health-relevant issue. In addition, the ILSE project will further emphasise the third mission of the FH Technikum Wien, also in cooperation with the partner institutions, and act as an established knowledge mediator in the field of life science engineering for the population (Open-ILSE).


  • 12 international courses
  • surveys with graduates and international experts
  • 2 cooperation agreements signed
  • cooperation map
  • 25 students absolve student internships and/or short-term mobility with international partners
  • buddy programme
  • Curricular coordination of study programs between cooperation partners
  • Cooperation agreement at degree program level signed
  • Dual / Double Degree developed
  • 10% increased staff mobility of the involved courses
  • 50% project staff have training with regard to intercultural aspects
  • 10 students take place at the intensive learning week (Connected-ILSE)
  • 20 short knowledge videos published (Open-ILSE)
  • 5 international train-the-trainer workshops (Share-ILSE)

Project Lead:

Profilbild Iris Nemec
Sarah Langer


 +43 1 333 40 77 - 3921

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