About the project
Project application of the UAS Technikum Wien selected for funding in the framework of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships!
The project PrepaCareXR aims at creating advanced digital training solutions for healthcare professionals and students by combining e-resources and practical experience created by a multidisciplinary and international group of experts in healthcare, engineering, and design and visualization, as well as medical professionals. Based on real-world use cases and by the use of a combination of customized learning and training concepts and collaborative practices, PrepaCareXR enables the shift of healthcare training to blended and distance learning. This leads to a new way of educating current and future healthcare professionals in order to improve efficiency and competitiveness of the European healthcare sector.
Computer based learning
The first learning scenario deals with the clinical processes to be applied in the course of complex airway management (obstruction of the airway). Participants have to select the correct treatment pathway for the simulated situation based on an underlying decision tree. This exercise is specifically designed for emergency room staff.
Virtual Reality Applications
The most recent approach is a virtual reality (VR) application that can be used in a team mode to practise and consolidate communication processes. Further treatment and simulation scenarios will be developed in the further course of the project.
1st Transnational Meeting - Project Kickoff

2nd Transnational Meeting - From Concepts to Implementation

Blended mobility of higher education students - XR Usability from the Perspective of Healthcare Students

Intensive programmes for teaching staff - How to Apply XR for Healthcare Training

3rd Transnational Meeting - The Future of Healthcare Training in XR

Consortium partners
Meet our team
Project Supervisor:
Andrea Balz
Research & Development
+43 1 333 40 77 - 8845
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